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  Most of the records in Detrick were destroyed in 1973. Some of its secrets have been revealed in declassified documents, through interviews and as a result of congressional investigations. Together, those sources reveal Detrick's central role in MK-ULTRA.




  How to store infectious materials?


  Infectious materials from a lab are collected in specially designed containers and stored in a designated area, and later treated and then delivered to the specialized infectious waste disposal unit for processing.


  What are the possible loopholes that could cause a leakage in contaminant agents? 


  Leaks could be caused by staff who are undertrained or simply careless failing to adhere to proper procedures. Leaks might also be caused by the wear and tear or malfunctioning of containers or equipment. Faulty containers or equipment then do not seal properly or fail to meet the treatment requirements might discharge harmful materials into the environment.



  Which factor would likely contribute more to a leak, human error or equipment malfunction?


  Generally speaking, there are more incidents caused by human error. Especially in certain science institutes, where studies and experiments of infectious risks are largely undertaken by graduate students and short-term employees, leakages and contaminations are common.


  As a lab staff, what should one pay attention to most regarding safety?


  You should always follow the safety procedure instructions strictly, avoid carelessness at all costs. Always check the safety and integrity of hardware equipment before each operation.


  You were one of the authors of a book on biolab experiment. Can you talk about the main idea you tried to get across in the book?


  I was one of the main authors of a book on biolab experiment. The idea I tried to get across is, safety is the number one priority. Any biotech experiment, no matter with the purpose of research or education, the number one priority is to ensure the safety of the operators, environment and public. Experiments should be carried out strictly according to the safety procedures and regulations.


  Please tell us the importance of popular science


  The popularization of science is of great importance. It raises the bar of knowledge and understanding for the whole society, helps the public learn knowledge and understand scientific problems, avoids all sorts of losses due to lack of basic understanding of science.


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