在美国的加利福尼亚也有一个一样爱好神奇动物的老头Marvin Hajos。他的家里养了100多只奇奇怪怪的宠物。
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Hajos, 75, was attacked on April 12 after falling on a path near the enclosure of his two cassowaries, a type of flightless bird. Paramedics transported him to the hospital where he died of his injuries, according to police.
Cassowaries are similar to emus and stand up to 6 feet tall and weigh up to 130 pounds, with black body feathers and bright blue heads and necks. The San Diego Zoo’s website calls cassowaries the world’s most dangerous bird with a four-inch, dagger-like claw on each foot.
食火鸡类似于鸸鹋 (�r mi�o),高达6英尺,重达130磅,身体覆盖黑色的羽毛,头部和颈部有鲜艳的蓝色羽毛。圣地亚哥动物园的网站称食火鸡是世界上最危险的鸟类,每只脚上都有一把4英寸,类似匕首的爪子。
via USA Today
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission lists cassowaries along with animals such as alligators, clouded leopards and wolverines as Class II wildlife because they can “pose a danger to people.” Owners must have a permit and “substantial experience and specific cage requirements must be met.”
via USA Today
根据Gulf Coast Livestock Auction拍卖行的公告,大约100只曾经属于Marvin Hajos的动物将于4月27日在拍卖会上出售 。
Via USA Today