当地时间4月21日,CNBC表示美国只会开展针对华为的攻击,在建设下一代5G网络的上毫头绪 。
专家认为,美国缺乏一个清晰的5G战略 ,结果就只能搬出“所谓的国家安全” 来对抗来自华为和中国的挑战。
Via Carlos Barria | Reuters
“I think they’ve been rather leaden-footed in the way they’ve responded,” Nigel Inkster, a former British intelligence official and senior advisor at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, told CNBC’s Beyond the Valley.
英国前情报官员兼国际战略研究所高级顾问奈杰尔•英克斯特(Nigel Inkster)告诉CNBC的“超越山谷”(Beyond the Valley),“我认为美国对5G战的回应方式相当笨拙 。”
“Firstly by lacking an explicit, government-articulated strategy in relation to 5G which is only now starting to emerge, but also in arguing or shaping the challenge from China and from Huawei solely as an espionage issue.”
“首先,美国一直缺乏明确的,政府指导的5G相关战略。以至于美国开始部署5G战略的时候只能以“安全问题”为由 来应对中国和华为的挑战。”
对此,任正非接受媒体采访时严正否认华为参与间谍活动 。(看之前相关报道)
为什么美国会如此害怕华为呢?很大程度上美国自身的5G发展令人失望 。
Via Omar Marques, SOPA Images | LightRocket | Getty Images
Last week, Trump introduced initiatives to speed up the rollout of new wireless networks across the U.S., saying “the race to 5G is a race America must win.”