图 via AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana
据IMF在官网上发布的《全球经济展望报告》,IMF对全球2019年的经济形势并不乐观 ,称“全球经济增速放缓,复苏的迹象并不确定“。
图 via imf.org
After strong growth in 2017 and early 2018,global economic activity slowed notably in the second half of last year, reflectinga confluence of factors affecting major economies.
全球经济 在经历2017年跟2018年前几月的强劲增长后,在2018年的下半年显著放缓。这个趋势表明一系列因素 在综合影响世界主要经济体的经济。
Via imf.org
Via Twitter;
那么IMF对2019年全球经济增速的预期具体是怎样的? 我们来看下外媒的报道。
图 via apnews.com;IMF预测:2019年全球经济增速将放缓至3.3%
The International Monetary Fund on Tuesdaydowngraded its outlook for growth in the United States, Europe, Japan and the overall global economy.
本周二(当地时间),国际货币基金组织 下调 对美国、欧洲、日本等全球主要经济体的经济增长预期 。
The IMF expects the world economy to grow 3.3% this year, down from 3.6% in 2018. In its previous forecast in January, the IMF had predicted that international growth would reach 3.5% this year.
For the United States, IMF economists downgraded their growth forecast for this year to 2.3% from 2.9% in 2018.
Via apnews.com
The euro areaeconomy lost more momentum than expected as consumer and business confidence weakened and car production in Germany was disrupted by the introduction of new emission standards; investment dropped in Italy; and external demand, especially from emerging Asia, softened.
在欧元区,经济衰退的程度比预期得还严重 。在欧元区,消费者和市场信心在降低;随着新的排放政策出台,德国的汽车生产也受到了影响;意大利的投资在减少;外部市场(尤其是亚洲新兴市场)对欧元区的需求也在放缓。
Elsewhere, natural disasters hurt activity in Japan.