先来围观下面这段英文视频 ,迅速了解发生了啥
(via Get China/Global Times)
In response to tightened regulation over shoppers who buy luxury products overseas on behalf of Chinese mainland customers, the buyers - "
daigou" in Chinese pinyin - are coming up with increasingly creative ways of promoting their business, like posting crude sketches on WeChat as advertising or using memes to disguise their activities and evade tax.
为“巧妙”地避税,很多代购奇思妙想地打起了擦边球。他们变身“灵魂画师”,用 手绘图 代替产品照片。
"This lipstick is very beautiful. I have two. Baby, do you need one? Only 155rmb ($ 23)," posted a
daigoualong with a crude colored drawing the lipstick.
“这支口红十分美丽。我有两支。亲,来一支吗?只需155人民币($ 23)哦,” 一位代购在微信朋友圈写道并配了一张手绘的口红图片。
daigousummarized their linguistic skills in posts along with a simple drawing of a product in a not-too-subtle disguise for a product advertisement.