Chinese mainland drama Story of Yanxi Palace had been played 10 billion times in the Chinese mainland and nearly 47 million times in Taiwan by August 25, 2018.
据《环球时报》 早些时候的报道,大陆剧《延禧攻略》自去年8月25日在大陆的播放量已破100亿次,台湾总播放量近4700万次。
According to a report from Taiwan newspaper Want Daily, "Chinese mainland dramas, especially period series, have always had a fixed audience in Taiwan among seniors."
However, with the broadcast in Taiwan of the period drama Empresses in the Palace in 2015, the number of young viewers began to grow dramatically. Over the following years, dramas such as Eternal Love (2017) and The Advisors Alliance (2017), which are popular in the mainland, have also gained a strong fan base in Taiwan.
但该媒体同时又提到,从2015年《后宫‧甄嬛传》在台播出开始,台湾的大陆剧观众群始扩大,年龄也越来越年轻。此后《三生三世》 《军师联盟》等剧“都成为台湾年轻网友疯狂追剧目标。”
一位叫Lisa Chao、来自高雄的80后小姐姐说,她还记得90年代,还是孩子的她经常跟奶奶一起看《宰相刘罗锅》。现在,陆剧和欧美剧、韩剧在台湾都有各自的市场,不过相对来说陆剧中古装剧比时装剧更受欢迎些。
来自新北市的Mao Hsuan 小姐姐表示自己就是大陆仙侠剧的硬核粉,而《香蜜沉沉烬如霜》 是她最喜欢的一部。自己对剧里的半文言台词也是“喜欢得不得了”。
Mao Hsuan, a 30-year-old from New Taipei City in Taiwan, is a huge fan of Chinese mainland TV dramas. On Facebook she shares photos of her newly-bought hairpin, merchandise from the 2018 show The Ashes of Love, and she also owns a dragon gown modeled after the one Chinese mainland actress Fan Bingbing wore to the Cannes film festival in 2010.